St. Stephen's
Anglican Church​​
The Traditional Anglican Church in Montrose, Colorado
Rev. Dr. J.I. Packer:
“I remain an Anglican out of conviction that here is the right place, for here I possess the truest, wisest and potentially richest heritage in all Christendom.”
(The Thirty-Nine Articles: Their Place and Use Today)
Dr. L. Nelson Bell:
"The Church of England, has and continues to use a Prayer Book which teaches unequivocally the great Christian Doctrines."
(The Southern Presbyterian Journal; The London Campaign 'This is the Lord's Doing'; June 9, 1954)
Rev. Dr. George David Cummins:
"The Prayer Book is fitted to be the Prayer Book of all Reformed Communions, because it enshrines most faithfully the true spirit of the Protestant Reformation. The Book of Common Prayer is the fairest and most beauteous child of the Reformation... First came the Reformers before the Reformation, Wicliffe and men of a like spirit sowing the seed, for a harvest to be reaped in rejoicing. Then followed in God's good time Cranmer and his Colabourers, Jewel and Latimer and Ridley, and others whose names will never die...Then came the memorable Whitsunday (Pentecost) of 1549, when for the first time the Reformed Liturgy led the worship of the whole Church of a great Realm rejoicing in the "liberty wherewith Christ had made them free."...Such was the work which bequeathed to us the Book of Common Prayer, combining "the old paths" of the Apostolic Church and "the good way" of the Great Reformation (Jer. 6:16). May we not safely challenge any portion of Reformed Christendom, to produce in any confession, or symbol, or formulary of devotion, that which represents so faithfully the spirit of that great movement."
(Claims of the Prayer Book upon Protestant Christendom; Philadelphia King & Baird Printers, 1861)
Making Disciples for Christ
in the Classical Anglican Way

Welcome to St. Stephen’s!
St. Stephen's is a parish of the Reformed Episcopal Church, using the traditional Book of Common Prayer. Affirming our English Reformed Confession.
Sola Scriptura – Scripture alone is God’s inerrant Covenant Word written, the Church's sole authority over faith, doctrine and practice. Thirty-Nine Articles VI & XX.
Solus Christus – Israel's Messiah alone is man’s source of salvation through His substitutionary atonement sacrifice and bodily resurrection. Thirty-Nine Articles XV & XVIII.
Sola Gratia – It is only by God’s merciful grace alone we have salvation, not by any merit or works of our own, lest any man should boast. Thirty-Nine Articles X.
Sola Fide – Justification is by grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone, by means of God's Word of Gospel promise alone. Thirty-Nine Articles XI​
​Soli Deo Gloria - Psalm 115:1, Romans 11:36, and 2 Timothy4:18.​
Please Join Us for Worship and Study:
Sunday: Holy Communion at 10 am.​​​
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“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
[Galatians 6:10]